Sunday, October 25, 2009

Calamities in our country

For me, after we had been hitted by typhoons, many of our fellow filipino are now suffered from hunger, starvation and other diseases, lost of properties and love once. Thus, it is the time for us to help and lend a hand for them, a simple help in kind can do a lot for them, this tragedy opened my mind that as long as we have time, we must always show our love and concern not only to our love once but also to our nature as well.

recent calamities

Nowadays, there's a lot of calamities here in the Philippines, last month we encountered the strong typhoon named "ondoy", there's a thousands of families are victims of this typhoon especially in Manila, some of them, until now are in the evacuation centers, some of them can't move on and some of them have trauma. The typhoon "ondoy" was one of the huge disasters that came here in our country. Inspite of all this, we should thankful to our almighty God, because we are alive and He always beside us to guide us all the time. So we help the victims of typhoons, we share our blessings to them. =)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Calamities in our country

The most recent calamities here in the Philippines are the typhoons. Nowadays there are many typhoons left in our country the most typhoon was ONDOY, there are thousands of family victims in this typhoon that are can't survive. So let us help our kababayans here in the Philippines Looking back to previous disasters and natural calamities, our country obviously has never endeavored to be ever-prepared despite repetitive damage to so much property and numerous deaths after each occurrence. As early as some three decades ago, a funded report warned the government that “development should be restricted by the application of controls in three major areas in the Marikina Valley, the western shores of Laguna de Bay, and the Manila Bay coastal area to the north of Manila.” The report noted that “urban development is spreading into these areas which are, in their present state, unsuitable for development either because they are low-lying and liable to flooding, or because development is without adequate facilities for the treatment and disposal of sewage and so will contribute to the severe pollution of areas, such as Laguna de Bay.” What has the government had done since then? For all its greed and negligence, it allowed itself to be bribed into issuing clearances to profit-hungry developers to develop subdivisions in those areas already identified to be too dangerous for human habitation when it should have exercised resolute political will to prevent development in these inhabitable areas. And when the calamity of flooding resulted, the government was ill-prepared..

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'm so happy because at last I finish my blogs.... hehehe...

The film- Incovenient truth

The film Inconvenient truth was all about global warming. It focuses on Al Gore and his travels in support of his efforts to educate the public about the severinity of the climate crisis.

10th week- Peer pressure

I remembered when I was in 3rd year highschool, my friend ask me to do a thing that I really don't want to do I disagree because it is wrong. I learned that as a person I know I am the one who will make own decisions no matter what happens.

9th week- Responsible

1. A responsible person knows his/her duties and had a discipline to himself/herself.
2. My responsibilities at home is to obey my parents and my brothers and to help them in household chores. In school, I obey the rules and regulation and respect the proffesors and head of the school not only them but also the janitors and security guards.

8th meeting- Honesty

Actually all this challenges was happened to me when I'm in highschool but not now I change now my bad attitude.
I took the challenge letter "c" admit my mistake because I am the person that sometimes I didn't admit or accept my mistakes especially when my mother got angry with me. So last week I admit my mistakes actually I felt happy and unconscious beacuse I realized that it is right to admit your mistakes because you caught a moral lesson from it. It is lesson for me.

7th week- self-evaluation

I say that I am a healthy person, I avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks. I eat in the right time and regular and have a balanced diet. In my personal health assessment I realize that, it is right to maintain my balanced diet to have a healthy body and to my new image and by eating nutritious foods and also had a discipline to myself.

6th meeting- challenge for myself

I took the challenge letter "a" to get a high score in a quiz or seatwork. I am proudly say that yes, I got a high score in a quiz. I realized that not only to beat the challenge but you have to get a high score even it is not a challenge you have a discipline to yourself because it is for me not for others it is for my future also.

5th meeting- “The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"

I share my experience when I'm in 4th year highschool, we had a thesis writing, I am the one who is responsible for a leader of our group, so I do my part as a leader, I say that it is so hard and very challenging. Everyday I'm stressed and so busy haay. Then we defensed it, I'm so nervous on that time because it is my first time and I don't even had a experienced like this so I prepare and ready myself, I gave all my best not only me but also my members. After this my teacher announced that my group was chosen as a "best in thesis writing" and I am the one that chosen as a "best presentor" of our group, I'm so happy on that day because inspite of all my hardships a received a blessing to God and I'm very thankful that gave it to me as a reward of my hardships our thesis writing. This challenge that I never forget all my life. I'm so proud of myself not only me but also my family. "A JOB WELL DONE DESIREE, Congratulations" my adviser told me, this line that I never forget.

4th meeting- self evaluation

1. I am flattered and proud of myself because I had a kind of characteristics like this. I felt happy because the people around me, they trust me and accept me for who I am the real me.

-I want not to judge me first.
-I want them to accept and respect my opinion.
-I want them to listen my suggestions and keep it mind.
-I want them to not judge me, make some bad comments or being a back fighter.
-I will tell them that I don't want to do it in proper way.
-I will listen carefully and respect their opinions and suggestions.

I respect and obey them and treat them as my family.

Friday, July 10, 2009

3rd meeting- my outstanding virtue

The most I preffered is to become a leader because I want to improve my skills, share my talents and abilities to be able to become a good leader. I wish for myself to improve my self-confidence because I am a shy type person, I don't even get along to others. From now on, I want to improve all of this and I want to start it here at my new school and my next chapter of my life here at MALAYAN COLLEGES LAGUNA.

VE011-B02...simply airee

Everyday I always do my best and prove to myself and to the people I met that I can do it no matter what happens because maybe tomorrow I'll die(knock on the wood) atleast before I die I already gave my best, right?I always thankful to God because I'm so blessed because He gave me this kind of life...

I am a girl that when I have a problem I cannot easily give up...
and I am just a simple person with simple dreams in life,
actually I want to become a successful engineer somedayI want someday call me
"Engr. Desiree Tolentino" now, I always do my best to be a successful and to finish my studies

Well my life doesn't really perfect, the kind of life that 16 years old out there dreaming of...
I was never dream to live in a castle
but my family treated me as a princess...
I never had a wings like those angels
but whenever I'm with my friends I feel like in heaven...
That's why how thankful I am...
being Desiree once in this borrowed life...

3rd journal

Monday, June 29, 2009


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?
-at first it is hard for me to adjust but as time goes by I was enjoying being a college student here at Malayan and most I'm happy because I have a classmate that are so kind and it so fun to be with... and my first week was so stressful haay...

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?
-the professors in in MCL was so nice and they are good in teaching... one of my professor are so jolly and fun to be with, our class was not boring because of her funnier jokes hehe ;) I remember last time in our topic, she said that life is beautiful...

3. Describe your block mates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?
-uhm? for me, my block mates are so fun to be with, especially in times of "kalokohan" hehe...
we have a different attitudes sometimes they say that we have a "sariling mundo" haha... for me, i think our strengths in our section is to have a cooperation to each other...
sad to say we have almost 2months left... huhuhu

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?
-at first it s hard for me to adjust this kind of courses, but I said to myself I'm here to learn and to be successful someday and don't give up, so I set my goals and take my responsibilies and "I'm here to learn and not afraid to fail", this line was said by one of my professors that I always keep in mind...

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.
-as of now the truth is, I already move-on/adjust to my new school/being a college student here at MCL especially in terms of academics...

10 common personal values

8.cleanliness, orderliness

Monday, June 22, 2009

(VE011-B02)making transition from highshool to college...

-when I was in highschool, I have a permanent classroom but now I'm in college I have different classrooom...
-I go to the school from 7am to 4pm but in college it depends on my schedule... :)

(VE011-b02)After you have processed your first few experience at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

By having a discipline to myself, to help me to achieve successful adjustment in my college life especially to having new friends actually as of now maybe 5 or 6 friends I already met because the truth is I'm so very shy especially to the professors but next week I promise to myself that I don't need to be shy anymore, because I know someday they will help me in my problems and maybe someday they will be my friends... :)

(VE011-B02)how does values education work to your advantage?

In studying values education, it helps me lot by changing my attitude for a better person and a good student also. At first I was trained by my mom at home what is values education, she taught me what is right. I learned a lot in this subject, for me it is exciting even though some students said that values education is boring but for me its not boring, for me it so enjoyable because it gave me a moral lessons to do things i do wrong to my everyday life...

Friday, June 19, 2009


la lng hehe