Thursday, August 20, 2009

5th meeting- “The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"

I share my experience when I'm in 4th year highschool, we had a thesis writing, I am the one who is responsible for a leader of our group, so I do my part as a leader, I say that it is so hard and very challenging. Everyday I'm stressed and so busy haay. Then we defensed it, I'm so nervous on that time because it is my first time and I don't even had a experienced like this so I prepare and ready myself, I gave all my best not only me but also my members. After this my teacher announced that my group was chosen as a "best in thesis writing" and I am the one that chosen as a "best presentor" of our group, I'm so happy on that day because inspite of all my hardships a received a blessing to God and I'm very thankful that gave it to me as a reward of my hardships our thesis writing. This challenge that I never forget all my life. I'm so proud of myself not only me but also my family. "A JOB WELL DONE DESIREE, Congratulations" my adviser told me, this line that I never forget.

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