Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'm so happy because at last I finish my blogs.... hehehe...

The film- Incovenient truth

The film Inconvenient truth was all about global warming. It focuses on Al Gore and his travels in support of his efforts to educate the public about the severinity of the climate crisis.

10th week- Peer pressure

I remembered when I was in 3rd year highschool, my friend ask me to do a thing that I really don't want to do I disagree because it is wrong. I learned that as a person I know I am the one who will make own decisions no matter what happens.

9th week- Responsible

1. A responsible person knows his/her duties and had a discipline to himself/herself.
2. My responsibilities at home is to obey my parents and my brothers and to help them in household chores. In school, I obey the rules and regulation and respect the proffesors and head of the school not only them but also the janitors and security guards.

8th meeting- Honesty

Actually all this challenges was happened to me when I'm in highschool but not now I change now my bad attitude.
I took the challenge letter "c" admit my mistake because I am the person that sometimes I didn't admit or accept my mistakes especially when my mother got angry with me. So last week I admit my mistakes actually I felt happy and unconscious beacuse I realized that it is right to admit your mistakes because you caught a moral lesson from it. It is lesson for me.

7th week- self-evaluation

I say that I am a healthy person, I avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks. I eat in the right time and regular and have a balanced diet. In my personal health assessment I realize that, it is right to maintain my balanced diet to have a healthy body and to my new image and by eating nutritious foods and also had a discipline to myself.

6th meeting- challenge for myself

I took the challenge letter "a" to get a high score in a quiz or seatwork. I am proudly say that yes, I got a high score in a quiz. I realized that not only to beat the challenge but you have to get a high score even it is not a challenge you have a discipline to yourself because it is for me not for others it is for my future also.

5th meeting- “The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"

I share my experience when I'm in 4th year highschool, we had a thesis writing, I am the one who is responsible for a leader of our group, so I do my part as a leader, I say that it is so hard and very challenging. Everyday I'm stressed and so busy haay. Then we defensed it, I'm so nervous on that time because it is my first time and I don't even had a experienced like this so I prepare and ready myself, I gave all my best not only me but also my members. After this my teacher announced that my group was chosen as a "best in thesis writing" and I am the one that chosen as a "best presentor" of our group, I'm so happy on that day because inspite of all my hardships a received a blessing to God and I'm very thankful that gave it to me as a reward of my hardships our thesis writing. This challenge that I never forget all my life. I'm so proud of myself not only me but also my family. "A JOB WELL DONE DESIREE, Congratulations" my adviser told me, this line that I never forget.

4th meeting- self evaluation

1. I am flattered and proud of myself because I had a kind of characteristics like this. I felt happy because the people around me, they trust me and accept me for who I am the real me.

-I want not to judge me first.
-I want them to accept and respect my opinion.
-I want them to listen my suggestions and keep it mind.
-I want them to not judge me, make some bad comments or being a back fighter.
-I will tell them that I don't want to do it in proper way.
-I will listen carefully and respect their opinions and suggestions.

I respect and obey them and treat them as my family.